Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Drive-Thru Windows

How many times has this happened to you:

You are on your way home from work, exhausted, and you don't feel like making anything to eat when you get home so you hit the local drive-thru. You pull away and as your sip your much needed diet Pepsi, the smell of your burger and fries, or your burrito and tacos, fills the air in your car. You imagine holding it with both hands, your eyes closed, bitting down through the many layers of flavor, warm grease running down your forearms. You hurry home, kick open the door, drop everything on the kitchen counter, rip the bag open and......THEY FORGOT SOMETHING! Burger, no fries; taco, no burrito! I can understand if they forgot ketchup or hot sauce, and even napkins...but how the hell do you forget the most important part of the order...the fucking food! Look people, I yelled into the fucking clown's nose when I placed my order, I gave someone my money in the first window who knew what I ordered, I am pretty sure that there is some kind of screen or monitor that has my order on it, so how hard is it to read the damn screen and put it in the bag! At least if they forgot the straw you can just take the lid off and drink it, but ever since my "No Straw Incident" of 2008, I have trained myself to check for the straw. Most places now will hand your drink and straw first while you are waiting for your food, or most of it anyway.

So many of you readers...or maybe just the one (thanks Mom), are thinking "dude, it is only a few fries, grab a bag of chips or just make yourself a sandwich". OK about this: You and the family are on your way home from the movies, dance class, soccer practice, or possibly Disneyland, and you order food for everyone. You get home and little Billy or Sally didn't get their chicken nuggets. Oh yeah, that's fun! "Everyone start eating your delicious, yummy, flavorful burgers while I heat up some Top Ramen for Sally." Or my favorite...the wife doesn't get her chinese chicken salad with no tomoatoes and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. They remembered the fucking dressing! And every man that has ever been married, engaged, dated, lived with, hung out with, or even talked to a girl, knows that a hungry girl is a cranky girl, and a hungry girl that doesn't get the food she ordered is a situation that cannot be solved.
Option 1, you go back...shes pissed, you're pissed, and you can't eat your food first, so now your dinner is cold.
Option 2, you give her your double burger with extra cheese, extra pickles, extra onions and whatever they hell else they found on the floor that night. Oh wait, she doesn't want the burger, and actually you don't want her to either because then you have to spend the next 5 nights listening to how fat she thinks she is because of one fucking burger! (My "she thinks she's fat blog" will be out soon)
Option 3, offer to make her something and prepare yourself to hear, "I don't want that! I wanted a salad, if I wanted that I would have ordered that!"
Option 4, cut off your arm, leg, or a testicle so that she can feed on it between her shouting and yelling, but take note, option 4 only works a couple of times.

So you are probably thinking that the easy solution is to just check the bag for all of the items ordered before you pull away from the window. Sounds simple, sounds easy, right? I'm sorry, but does Carl Karcher pay me to be his Quality Control person? Does Ronald Fucking McDonald cut me a check every time some pimple faced kid or sharpie eyebrowed girl screws up my order and I find their mistakes? DO YOUR FUCKING JOB! Little Billy wants nuggets so PUT THE NUGGETS IN THE BAG! And next time you are in line at the drive-thru, do you want to be behind the guy that goes through every bag and hands little Billy his nuggets with BBQ sauce, and then little Sally her cheeseburger with ketchup and extra pickles only, and hands the wife her salad which she then opens to make sure that the lettuce is fresh, and then tastes all four drinks to make sure that there is a Pepsi, a diet Pepsi, a rootbeer and a Dr. Pepper? Or would you prefer to be that guy?

That's the kind of shit that pisses me off!

1 comment:

  1. It pisses me off too! You have every right to be mad!
